Join us Saturday, March 15, 2025 for the 26th annual Fairfield Crystal Classic, hosted by Fairfield's premiere show choirs – Rhythm Express, Pure Elegance, and Choraliers. The Fairfield Crystal Classic will be held at Fairfield Senior High School with TWO amazing venues - the Performing Arts Center for HS Small Mixed groups and Middle School/Junior High and the Arena for HS Single-Gender, and HS Medium & Large Mixed Groups! Both of these venues will provide great lighting and sound to enhance each group’s performance. In addition, our Solo Competition will be held in the Freshman School Auditorium!
The Fairfield Crystal Classic is a festival that is produced by the Fairfield Choral Music Department with assistance from the Fairfield Tempo Club. In recent years, the Fairfield Choral Music Department has won many Grand Champion awards and Caption Awards including Best Vocals, Best Visuals, Best Costumes, Best Show Design, Best Combo, Best Tech Crew, and numerous Best Soloist Awards. In addition, they were the 2012 World Choir Games Show Choir Champions. They have traveled to many locations in the US including Nashville, Boston, New York, Chicago, Orlando, and Branson.
Crystal Classic 2025 Staff
Contest Directors:
Matthew Baker, Kelly Massie, Briana Baker, Elijah Lanham
Contest Steering Committee:
Ryan White, Sara Sweetin, Denise Johnson, Michele Scott,
Shannon Beal, Gretchen Radler, Tiffany Mason, Justin Alcorn,
Kevin McDonald